
December 2017

PreScouter Journal 2017 Roundup & 10 Most Read Articles


December 2017

PreScouter Journal 2017 Roundup & 10 Most Read Articles

It has been quite a year for the PreScouter Journal. Thanks to our great team and valued readers, the journal received 3 unique awards in 2017:


We have our eye on 2018 and will be launching something totally new. With hopes that the coming year holds health, wealth and happiness for all, here are our top ten most read articles in 2017.


#10: How to Treat Depression: Beyond Conventional Antidepressants

As nearly 70% of people who suffer from depression are non-responders to conventional antidepressants and 30% of patients show remission of their symptoms after treatment, it is no surprise that this article is in our top ten. New treatments beyond conventional antidepressants are what patients need and what they are seeking to find information about.


#9: How 3D Printing Is Disrupting the Packaging Industry

3D printing is taking the world by storm. Out of all the industries we have covered for this area in the PreScouter Journal, the packaging industry has been the industry sparking the most interest. Reducing plastic waste and customized packaging are 2 of the 5 aspects covered. Read the full article to find out more.


#8: Pharmaceutical R&D Global Spending Trends

Pharmaceutical industries dedicate a large percent of their budget for internal research and development processes. Our readers were definitely curious to see which countries are investing the most and how the trend is expected to change in the coming years. Read how nearly 150 billion USD are being spent each year on pharmaceutical R&D.


#7: New Material Is Lighter Than Plastic But Stronger Than Steel

The title speaks for itself and one can only but wonder what this ‘magical’ material could be. Indeed, this remarkable innovation from the University of Southampton deserves a spot in our top ten!


#6: Are Maglev Trains the Future of Transportation?

A maglev train in Japan broke the record for the fastest train in the world, back in 2015. Speedy (and safe) transportation is certainly a topic of interest to many. A major question addressed in this article was “When will the United States hop aboard the maglev train?”.


#5: The Spiral Pump: Pumping Water Without Electricity

Pumping water without the need for electricity has been an attractive concept. With the global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the increased focus on renewable energy is making the spiral pump a viable option for pumping water, especially in rural areas and developing countries. Read on to find out how it works!


#4: Steve Jobs: Forget The product. Start With The Go-To-Market Strategy

Our fourth most read article in 2017 is a timeless piece that talks about Steve Jobs’ ‘go-to-market’ strategy. Here’s how Steve Jobs took Apple to the top.


#3: Three Steps to Becoming a Better Technology Scout

Technology scouting is an art and a science that PreScouter has mastered over the years. From our real, workplace experience, we compiled this article to provide some guidance on how you can become a better tech scout. Hope it has helped!


#2: Why Thinking “Outside the Box” Is Not Very Creative

Our #2 questions the whole thinking outside the box concept. A very interesting article that shows how hiring managers have it all wrong if they are seeking outside the box thinkers to employ. The next time someone tells you to think outside the box, by all means share this article with them!


#1: Growing New Teeth in the Mouth Using Stem-Cell Dental Implants

Dr. Jeremy Mao and his groundbreaking method to grow teeth from stem cells have been the superstars in the PreScouter Journal for 2017. In addition to being the most read article, it is also the article that has received the most comments by our readers. Dozens are asking where the clinical trials are at and are asking us for more information. Well, sit tight! An upcoming article in January will hopefully answer all your questions.



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