Hydropower: The Next Frontier Report cover

Hydropower: The Next Frontier

Hydropower is the largest contributor to renewable energy sources, with approximately 18% of global installed power capacity. It is hence a key energy source. The aim of this white paper is to discuss some recent and future trends of hydropower, identifying challenges, open debates and new technologies.


Hydropower is shifting from a flexible source of energy covering peak loads in a fossil fuel-dominated energy mix, towards a function of supporting the more flashy solar and wind sources available during the day. At the same time, pumped-hydropower has emerged as a key energy storage and valorization option. Hence, there is the need to better understand hydropower future potential, roles and market opportunities.

Included in this white paper:

  • An overview of the hydropower market
  • Challenges and emerging technologies
  • New mini-hydropower technologies
  • The different types of hydropower plants

To read more about how the natural resources sector is shifting to renewable energy, a number of examples are presented in this Intelligence Brief Renewable Energies: The Place To Go.

If you have any questions or would like to know if we can help your business with its innovation challenges, please contact us here or email our Natural Resources Lead, Eric Joyce, directly at ejoyce@prescouter.com.

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