Tag: PreScouter


Can we solve the problem of medication adherence through smart technology?

– Did you know that about 50% of patients who suffer from chronic illnesses and undergo...

Gas companies using AI to predict leaks and disasters: The way forward?

– With the rapid increase in urbanization, coupled with unpredictable climatic events (flash floods, landslides, and...

What emerging material innovations could make vehicles lighter?

– In our first article, we covered the current applications of alternate lightweight materials in the...

Top CRISPR breakthroughs in 2019

– The trailer of the new Netflix docuseries Unnatural Selection, released in early October, proclaims, “From...

What’s driving the adoption of robots in industry?

– The next great period of growth in manufacturing productivity will be driven, at least in...

5G gives utilities and power producers a connectivity upgrade

– 5G (fifth generation) is the latest generation of cellular/wireless network technology that is already here...

Automotive lightweight materials: The age of the composite

– The automotive industry is going through an important development phase to address major issues concerning...

New EU regulations on medical devices: What changes from May 26, 2020?

– Medical technology, or “medtech”, covers a vast spectrum of healthcare products, ranging from everyday products...

PreScouter 2019 round up: The 10 most read stories of the year

– Before the new year comes rolling in, here we present the top ten most popular...

The PreScouter Journey: From Idea to Execution

– The following is a chapter from the book “Dynamic Entrepreneurs of the 21st Century” that...

Why the buzz around functional foods?

– With enhanced access to nutrition information and greater label transparency, today’s informed consumers want to...

Creating the ultimate onsite safety assistant using machine learning on construction projects

– How has Skanska met their pledge to not only improve their construction safety, but to...

Open Innovation: Definition and Future Trends

– In today’s digitized world, information is spread vastly across the web. Due to the quantity...

PreScouter exclusive: Novel sugar replacement touts 80% sugar reduction

– In a press release published on 14 February 2019, Holista CollTech Ltd announced the end...

Open Innovation in Automotive: The Cadillac Paradox

– In 2014, the automotive industry was abuzz with talk about Cadillac. For years, the brand...

How taxes and bans are fueling innovation

– Government regulations such as taxes and bans are generally intended to improve standards of living...

Artificial Intelligence for Everyone

– To the average person, artificial intelligence (AI) is more science fiction than science fact. While...

Smart mirrors: More than just reflections

– Two startups have developed a range of “smart mirrors” — panel displays that provide high-definition...

Six energy storage companies to watch out for in 2018

– Earlier this year, Tesla made news for unveiling the world’s biggest lithium-ion battery grid in...

Kirigami adhesives: from medical bandages to wearable electronics

– Researchers at MIT have developed a kirigami-inspired adhesive film designed to stick to highly deformable...

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