PreScouter’s Chemicals and Materials industry vertical encompases a wide diversity of subindustries, including speciality chemicals, agrochemicals, composite & nanomaterials and polymers. Central to the modern world economy, this industry provides solutions to areas such as additives, adhesives, sealants, coatings, pigments, bio-chemicals, insulation products, pharmaceuticals, catalysts, and many more. Major topics dominating this industry are around new products and applications, together with greater environmental awareness, and changes in consumer preferences. The rising demand for bio-based and renewable chemicals is transforming the industry rapidly.
Mono-material packaging, using a single type of plastic, is a streamlined solution for recycling. It uses a single plastic type—simplifying recycling, producing higher-quality outputs, and supporting a circular...
ReadWith cement production being the second-largest source of industrial CO₂ emissions, the spotlight is on green cement to reduce the carbon footprint.
ReadPreScouter assisted a client in the chemical industry in identifying top manufacturing partners for specialty amine production.
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