Case Study

October 2024

Identifying unmet needs by analyzing crowdsourcing data

Video - October 2024

Identifying unmet needs by analyzing crowdsourcing data

About the client:

The client, a multinational consumer goods company, was looking for help in identifying potential technological and commercial opportunities to meet the unmet needs of consumers by analyzing half a decade’s worth of crowdsourcing data.


As part of the client’s Research Support Service (RSS) Annual License, this challenge focused on identifying areas of unmet consumer need using crowdsourcing funding in 4 categories over a five-year period as a primary data source.


PreScouter analyzed all projects from Kickstarter during the period of interest that fell under the primary categories of Technology, Food, Design, and Fashion. The data was analyzed according to the number of backers, pledged funding, and success/failure of the campaigns.

PreScouter strove to provide as much granular detail as possible regarding the underlying job groupings that could be created. The campaigns with the most investment within all four categories were further analyzed to identify new consumer needs.


PreScouter analyzed data from over 57,000 crowdsourcing campaigns and mapped out the changes in investment trends over the 5-year span. Analysis revealed a drastic change from one category to another. Additionally, PreScouter presented the client with various heat maps that revealed where the greatest opportunity resided.

Impact of PreScouter’s work:

PreScouter identified 11 consumer needs that the client is using in their strategic planning and development.

A downloadable version of this case study is available here.

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