About the client:
The client, a US-based manufacturing firm, wanted to understand better the key drivers for users working with automation technologies using voice of customer (VoC) studies.
The client engaged PreScouter in this Research Support Service Project to put together a VoC study to support discussions with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and identify potential co-development partners for two projects revolving around automation technologies.
PreScouter conducted Subject Matter Expert (SME) interviews to understand the value proposition for the client’s technologies. Questions on technology needs and functions as part of a liquid chromatography (LC)- or capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) analysis pipeline were the core topics in each discussion. Finally, OEM partners were asked about the benefits of the client’s concept.
PreScouter presented the findings to the client, which will aid their negotiations with the OEMs. The team also identified several product development partners during the SME interviews, including two leading medical device manufacturers.
Impact of PreScouter’s work:
PreScouter’s research confirmed the interest of OEMs in both technologies.