Analyzing a project database for a biopharmaceutical CDMO

Analyzing a project database for a biopharmaceutical CDMO

About the client:

The client is a biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization. To gain a competitive advantage in serving customers in the biopharma industry, the client was interested in looking for trends in their previous work that could inform them about the direction of the industry.


The client engaged PreScouter in this Research Support Service project to analyze their database of past projects in order to quantify their past experience and better predict future demand.


PreScouter and the client decided upon a series of criteria to use in analyzing each past project. The client provided access to their database of project proposals and reports, which PreScouter reviewed and scored in a shared document.


PreScouter provided the client with better insight into their own project history, which helped them to forecast demand for the upcoming year.

A downloadable version of this case study is available here.

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