Author: Emanuele Quaranta


The disruptive power of digital technologies in the water sector

– Digital technologies are shaping our world and are at the center of policy and technological...

How are innovative materials disrupting the hydropower sector?

– The hydropower sector is currently experiencing several technological developments to improve its sustainability and also...

Urban greening to fight climate change within the Green New Deal context

– The Green New Deal is an international proposal that lays out a grand plan for...

The new revolution of hydropower digitization

– Hydropower is the world’s most mature and ancient renewable energy source, producing 1300 GW of...

Emerging opportunities for photovoltaic-hydropower hybrid plants

– Hydropower and solar power plants have, in the past, been developed separately. Recently, hydro and...

From wind turbines to hydrokinetic turbines: Technology, market opportunities and challenges

– Wind turbines exploit the kinetic energy of an air flow, i.e. wind velocity, to rotate...

Emerging technologies and challenges in hydropower

– Throughout the world, 16% of electricity production is generated by hydropower plants. Compared to wind...

Pumped-storage hydropower plants: An attractive market opportunity

– Pumped-storage hydropower plants (PSHPs) are spreading worldwide and are at the center of engineering goals....

The wave of tidal energy is on the rise with these innovations and projects

– Oceans cover over two thirds of our planet’s surface. The energy contained in the oceans...

Can these turbines make hydropower more fish friendly?

– More than 52% of renewable energy comes from hydropower. However, hydropower plants can harm ecosystems,...

Micro Hydropower in Water Distribution Networks

– Water distribution networks (WDN) are present in all developed cities. Their aim is to deliver...

The M Turbine: A New Innovation in Hydropower

– Hydraulic turbines for hydropower plants have been used since the nineteenth century. However, new and...

The Air Wheel: A New Take on an Old Energy Source

– The production and storage of renewable energy sources has been studied extensively in the past...

The Spiral Pump: Pumping Water Without Electricity

– The spiral pump (also known as water wheel pump) is a hydraulic machine that pumps water without electricity....

Understanding the Fluid Dynamics of the Heart During Atrial Fibrillation

– The cardiovascular system is a fluid dynamic system, governed by the laws of physics. Scientific...

Hydrodynamic Screws: From Archimedes to Electricity

– Birth of the Hydrodynamic Screw The Hydrodynamic Screw is one of the oldest hydraulic machines...

The Hydrostatic Pressure Machine: Energy Production by Autogenerating the Hydraulic Head

– Stream Water Wheels and Floating Mills Stream water wheels are hydraulic machines that are installed...

Water Wheels: Bygone Machines or Attractive Hydropower Converters?

– Water Wheels in the Past Water wheels have been used for thousands of years to...

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