
February 2025

Biological nitrogen fixation: Can we produce more food with less fertilizers?


February 2025

Biological nitrogen fixation: Can we produce more food with less fertilizers?

By 2050, the global population is projected to surpass nine billion, and one of the biggest challenges humanity will face is food security. Current agriculture practices depend heavily on synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, a costly and energy-intensive process that harms the environment. Reducing dependence on these fertilizers is essential for sustainable food production.

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) offers a natural alternative to synthetic fertilizers by enhancing soil fertility without environmental damage. Advances in BNF technology and nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers are shaping a more sustainable future by achieving higher crop yields, reducing dependence on environmentally harmful synthetic fertilizers, and feeding the growing global population.

What is biological nitrogen fixation?

Biological nitrogen fixation is a process where specialized microorganisms convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, essential for plant growth. This transformation is necessary because most living organisms, including plants, cannot use nitrogen in its gaseous state. Specific bacteria and archaea, called diazotrophs, facilitate this process by producing the enzyme nitrogenase.

These microorganisms exist freely in the soil or form partnerships with plants to support nitrogen intake. Free-living bacteria like Azotobacter contribute independently, while others, such as Rhizobium, form root nodules in legumes. This process improves soil fertility, reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers for agricultural productivity.

The role of nitrogen for plants: 

Nitrogen is essential for plant survival and growth. Nitrogen is a key component of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis, enabling plants to capture sunlight for energy conversion. Nitrogen is essential for amino acids, the building blocks of proteins that support cellular reproduction, growth, and plant health.

Although 78% of air composition is represented by nitrogen gas (N2), plants cannot utilize it. Instead, they require nitrogen in the form of ammonia or nitrate, which is naturally obtained through BNF or anthropogenically through the Haber-Bosh process. 

Increased nitrogen availability, particularly in the forms that plants require, can enhance crop productivity. However, excessive use of synthetic nitrogen leads to environmental concerns such as runoff and soil degradation.

Why is the availability of nitrogen a problem?

The natural soil availability of nitrogen is insufficient to meet current agricultural demands. To compensate for this deficiency, industries help produce synthetic rich-nitrogen fertilizers through the Haber-Bosch process.

However, this process has significant drawbacks:

  • Excess nitrogen leaches into waterways, causing the overgrowth of algae and harming the balance of these ecosystems.
  • Production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers contributes ~ 1-2% of global fossil fuel consumption.
  • Production costs impact farmers in regions with limited access to affordable inputs.
  • A significant portion of applied synthetic nitrogen—often 20-30%—is lost through leaching, volatilization, or denitrification, contributing to environmental and climate concerns. 

A sustainable, natural way of making usable nitrogen:

BNF relies on specific microbes to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants. There are three main types of BNF, each involving different microbial interactions.

  • Free-living BNF: Free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as Azotobacter and Clostridium, fix atmospheric nitrogen independently in the soil. They rely on organic matter as an energy source to drive the enzymatic processes required for nitrogen fixation.
  • Associative BNF: Associative nitrogen fixation involves soil bacteria like Azospirillum, which interact with crop roots in the rhizosphere to provide nitrogen without needing to form a symbiotic relationship. Their energy to transform nitrogen comes from plants’ exudates (e.g., sugars, amino acids, etc.) 
  • Symbiotic BNF: Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is the most efficient type, and it is exemplified by the relationship between legumes (beans and peas) and Rhizobium bacteria. In contrast to the associative type, the symbiotic nitrogen fixation produces nodules in roots that house the bacteria. These symbioses enable nitrogen fixation in exchange for plant-produced sugars. 

Since BNF relies on naturally occurring microorganisms, the use of biofertilizers (nitrogen-fixing bacterial inoculants) can contribute to:

  • Improved nitrogen availability: Supports sustainable crop production by enhancing nitrogen availability in the soil.
  • Lower emissions: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from synthetic fertilizer production and mitigating nutrient runoff.
  • Cost savings: Lowering input costs for farmers by reducing reliance on synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Improves soil health: Promoting soil microbial diversity and improving long-term soil health, reducing dependency on chemical inputs.

How are BNFs contributing to the global agriculture?

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) contributes an estimated 122 million tons of nitrogen worldwide each year. Leguminous crops such as soybeans, chickpeas, and alfalfa absorb a major share of this nitrogen. Legume-based BNF can provide over 300 kg of nitrogen per hectare annually under optimal conditions.

Economic and environmental benefits

Commercial biofertilizers, derived from nitrogen-fixing bacteria, provide economic benefits through improved crop productivity and lower fertilizer costs. Brazil has prioritized biofertilizer research, particularly for soybean production, to reduce synthetic nitrogen dependency. This has helped the country to become the world’s largest soybean producer and resulted in: 

  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions from reduced synthetic fertilizer production and application
  • Decreased groundwater contamination due to less nitrogen runoff into water sources
  • Estimated US $15 billion in annual savings from reduced fertilizer costs

Rising adoption of biofertilizers

Over the past decade, the use of microbial inoculants for soybeans has increased by more than 200%. South American and African countries have integrated biofertilizers into their agricultural practices to improve soil fertility. Farmers are reducing reliance on synthetic inputs while maintaining steady crop yields.

Ongoing research

Researchers are working to extend biological nitrogen fixation to non-leguminous crops such as wheat, rice, and maize. Genetic engineering is being explored to induce symbiotic nitrogen fixation in these crops. This process could enable direct nitrogen uptake, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

What are the recent advances in biological nitrogen fixation?

Legumes form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, making them highly efficient at capturing nitrogen. Researchers are developing improved legume varieties that sustain higher fixation rates and perform well in varied environmental conditions. Advanced bacterial strains are being introduced to increase resilience, reduce stress sensitivity, and enhance nitrogen availability.

Enhancing associative nitrogen fixation

Associative nitrogen fixation, a form of biological fixation that involves the interaction of bacteria without forming symbiotic relationships, typically delivers small amounts of nitrogen (1–20 kg N/ha/year). Researchers are isolating and deploying effective strains to enhance plant growth and nitrogen input. Genetic editing is being used to address challenges such as ammonia release in nitrogen-rich soils.

Enabling cereal crops to fix nitrogen

Cereal crops like maize and wheat do not naturally fix nitrogen due to missing symbiotic pathways. Researchers are leveraging fungal signaling pathways to enable these crops to recognize and interact with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This approach, though complex, could lead to cereals forming nodules and acquiring self-sustaining nitrogen sources.

Directly inserting nitrogen-fixing genes

One of the most ambitious advancements involves inserting nitrogen-fixing genes directly into crop genomes to enable nitrogenase enzyme activity. This approach faces challenges such as complex gene expression, nitrogenase sensitivity to oxygen, and high energy demands. Despite these difficulties, progress continues to expand what is scientifically achievable.

The emergence of the nitroplast

In 2024, researchers documented a nitrogen-fixing microbe permanently integrating into algal cells. This led to the formation of a new organelle named the “nitroplast,” introducing a new perspective on nitrogen fixation. Scientists are exploring ways to apply this concept in crops, which could change agricultural productivity.

Are we there yet?

So far, the use of inoculants—a preparation of live Rhizobium bacteria applied to seeds or soil to enhance BNF—has shown success and is commercially available. Targeting specific crops such as soybeans represents an effective example of increasing nitrogen production through widely cultivated crops.

While genetic engineering in crops is a promising approach, the widespread adoption of BNF-based solutions still faces challenges. Transferring nitrogen-fixing capabilities to non-leguminous crops requires inserting target genes and replicating the cellular components that regulate this complex process. Additionally, the microbes responsible for BNF in legumes are prokaryotes, which have fundamentally different gene regulation mechanisms than eukaryotic plants.

In short, we are on a promising path. Advances in biotechnology, including genetic engineering and artificial intelligence-driven research, are making significant progress toward achieving biological nitrogen fixation in non-leguminous crops. 

The short-term implications for the F&B industry:

The F&B industry relies on agricultural outputs, making nitrogen-efficient farming essential for sustainable operations. As sustainability targets become more defined, companies must adapt to changing agricultural practices. Adopting biofertilizers and nitrogen-efficient techniques can influence sourcing strategies and long-term production planning.

Agricultural practices are shifting toward responsible methods, reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. The nitrogen-fixing biofertilizer segment, already dominating 44% of the global biofertilizers market, is projected to exceed USD 4 billion by 2034. This growth reflects the demand for organic food, government policies, and awareness of environmental impacts.

Companies investing in BNF solutions may gain advantages in branding and market differentiation. Consumers and investors favor businesses with sustainable sourcing models that align with environmental goals. Positioning early in biofertilizer adoption can create long-term credibility in sustainable supply chains.

Some evidence indicates biofertilizers improve crop yields by 10 to 40% while enhancing nutritional value. Current nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers rely on nitrogen and sulfur-fixing microorganisms such as Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, and fungi like Aspergillus niger, which contribute to soil fertility. However, it needs to be anticipated that immediate financial gains can be modest, given the upfront costs and the need for robust field data to validate performance. 

For many industry players, short-term strategic investments are more about positioning for future market conditions than about realizing instant profitability. However, even these incremental steps in reducing reliance on synthetic inputs and lowering greenhouse gas emissions can bolster the company’s image. 

Moving from science to strategy:

Prescouter’s expertise in translating cutting-edge research into actionable insights positions it as a valuable partner in helping the industry explore these advances. We can assist with:

  • Research and innovation mapping: We help to identify breakthroughs in microbial inoculants, genetic engineering, and nitrogen-fixing technologies. Our assessments determine the feasibility of transferring nitrogen-fixing traits to cereal crops for improved agricultural efficiency.
  • Market analysis: We evaluate regional biofertilizer markets to uncover growth opportunities, helping businesses make informed decisions. Our trend analysis and consumer behavior insights guide product development strategies for market success.
  • Customized solutions: We collaborate with agribusinesses to optimize biofertilizer formulations, ensuring they suit specific crops and regional conditions. Our expertise supports scaling production and enhancing microbial inoculant quality for long-term viability.

If you have any questions or would like to know if we can help your business with its sustainability challenges, please contact us here or email us at

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