
October 2024

10 green technology innovations that can make a difference

Video - October 2024

10 green technology innovations that can make a difference

Companies are facing increasing pressure to cut their environmental impact while staying competitive. Academic research and institutions, often seen as incubators for groundbreaking ideas, are proving to be fertile ground for innovation. 

Green technologies emerging from academia hold the potential to promote sustainability and drive real change in industries – offering forward-thinking companies a chance to capitalize on a greener future.

What is green technology?

Green technology refers to technological innovations tailored to reduce environmental damage. It focuses on using renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting eco-friendly waste management. These sustainable technologies help reduce pollution and conserve vital resources.

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What are the different types of green technology?

This section presents a breakdown of various types of green technology and their benefits:

  • Waste-to-energy technologies: These systems convert waste into usable energy. By turning organic waste into biogas or similar fuels, waste-to-energy technologies help to generate power while dealing with excess waste effectively.
  • Electric vehicles (EVs): EVs operate using electricity rather than gasoline, reducing harmful emissions from transportation. With improvements in EV batteries, these vehicles now offer longer ranges and faster charging. EVs contribute to cleaner air and are increasingly accessible as infrastructure grows.
  • Renewable energyRenewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal provide alternatives to traditional fuels. These methods offer clean energy options that help reduce greenhouse gases and reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Carbon capture: This method refers to capturing carbon dioxide from industrial sources or directly from the air. Carbon capture aims to store or repurpose CO2/span> to lower greenhouse effects. 
  • Sustainable agriculture: Innovations like vertical farming and smart soil offer ways to grow food with less water. They support local food production while lowering environmental impacts from traditional farming.

10 green technology innovations for a greener tomorrow:

Here are ten green tech innovations emerging from academia with the capacity to protect the environment and impact industries:

Tech green technology innovations

Fig 1. Ten breakthrough innovations driving sustainability across industries.

1. Biodegradable luminescent polymers: Lighting the way to less e-waste

A research team led by scientists at the University of Chicago has developed a new technology using biodegradable luminescent polymers to reduce electronic waste. The biodegradable polymers are designed to break down into reusable components, providing a sustainable solution for the electronics industry.

What are biodegradable luminescent polymers? 

Biodegradable luminescent polymers are innovative materials designed to address the growing issue of electronic waste. The polymers consist of long chains of repeating units called monomers, linked by a special “cleavable moiety” – a specific chemical bond that can be broken under certain conditions, such as exposure to specific chemicals, heat, or light. 

How does the system work?

The cleavable moiety is strategically placed within the polymer structure for controlled depolymerization. When the cleavable moiety is activated, the polymer breaks down into its original monomers. The resultant monomers can be reused to create new polymers, which can be recycled or reused.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • The breakdown and recycling of materials used in electronic devices can reduce the accumulation of electronic waste.
  • The recycling and reuse of monomers promotes sustainable manufacturing practices, reducing the demand for new raw materials.
  • Biodegradable luminescent polymers maintain high luminescent efficiency, making them suitable for applications in displays and other electronic components where bright, efficient light emission is crucial.
  • The technology exemplifies the principles of a circular economy, where products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible, and waste is minimized through recycling and reuse.

2. Transforming the manufacturing of specialty plastics with light-driven polymerization

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have made a breakthrough in enhancing the production of specialty plastics using a method called Robust mini emulsion photoATRP, which is driven by red and near-infrared light. This technology improves control over polymerization processes, which is essential for manufacturing high-performance polymers with a minimal environmental impact.

Defining the technology

The “Robust Miniemulsion PhotoATRP Driven by Red and Near-Infrared Light” is a more effective way of creating polymers using light. The process aims to improve specialty plastics manufacturinghigh-performance polymer materials engineered to have specific properties tailored for particular applications.

How does the system work?

The process utilizes a water-soluble photocatalyst methylene blue that initiates and mediates the polymerization process once activated by red or near-infrared (NIR) light. The process is particularly significant for its ability to operate under mild conditions, offering spatiotemporal control over polymerization. 

The water-soluble electron donors facilitate polymerization in heterogeneous media, such as mini emulsions. Using longer-wavelength lights such as red and NIR allows for deeper light penetration. This enhances the efficiency and control of the polymerization, even in large-scale applications.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • The luminescent polymers developed are biodegradable into polymers to be recycled and reused, reducing waste compared to traditional polymers.
  • The polymers possess high light-emitting efficiencies, making them highly effective for display devices. High-efficiency materials consume less energy during use, reducing the overall environmental impact of electronic devices.
  • This technology offers a sustainable alternative with biodegradable and recyclable options, reducing the carbon footprint and dependency on finite resources.

3. Direct air capture of CO2 with a humidity-driven membrane

Spearheaded by a Newcastle University team, this innovative membrane technology uses ambient humidity to concentrate and capture CO2 from the air. By exploiting natural humidity differences, this system offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional CO2 capture methods, making it ideal for direct air capture applications.

Defining the technology

The technology described is a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane designed for the efficient separation and concentration of CO2 from the air. The membrane uses ambient humidity differences to transport CO2 from a dilute input stream, such as atmospheric air, to a more concentrated output stream.

How does the system work?

The key feature of this technology is its use of a ternary eutectic mixture of molten carbonates ((Li/Na/K)2CO3) within an alumina (Al2O3) support structure. Such composition enables the membrane to utilize natural humidity variations to drive CO2 permeation against its natural concentration gradient.

The membrane operates at high temperatures (~ 550°C). This temperature is necessary to keep the carbonate salts in a molten state and maintain the mobility of the ionic species that facilitate the transport of CO2 and H2O.

The membrane is highly selective for CO2 over other gases, allowing it to concentrate CO2 even from dilute sources like ambient air, where CO2 levels are typically around 400 ppm. Thus, the system can achieve significant CO2 enrichment, making it suitable for direct air capture applications.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • The technology suggests it could efficiently remove CO2 from the air, reducing greenhouse gases and helping combat climate change.
  • Using natural humidity differences instead of external energy sources makes CO2 capture more energy-efficient.
  • The membrane reduces the need for materials and lowers costs, making the process less wasteful and more efficient.
  • The membrane is durable and scalable, suitable for large-scale CO2 capture over long periods.

4. Converting CO₂ into chemical building blocks

Innovators at Montana State University have developed a groundbreaking approach utilizing nano-scale materials to convert CO2 into valuable chemical building blocks. This technology mimicking enzymatic reactions offers a sustainable industrial-scale carbon capture and conversion pathway.

Defining the technology

The technology involves nano-scale materials such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (ZFMs), designed to mimic enzymes for converting CO₂ into useful chemical building blocks. The materials have nano-scale structures that facilitate CO₂ capture and conversion reactions.

How does the system work?

In this system, sodium oxide within the ZFMs captures CO2 from a mixed gas stream, binding it as carbonates and bicarbonates. The addition of Ruthenium (Ru) and Platinum (Pt) enables the selective conversion of captured CO2 into methane (with Ru) or carbon monoxide (with Pt) when heated in hydrogen. These processes allow CO2 hydrogenation at relatively low temperatures, around 150°C for methane and 200°C for carbon monoxide.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • This technology offers a sustainable solution for CO₂ utilization, transforming a greenhouse gas into valuable chemical products.
  • It mimics biological processes, potentially enabling more efficient and scalable carbon capture and conversion systems for industrial applications.

5. Transforming wastewater into fertilizer with fungal treatment

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed a novel mycoremediation technique. The technology uses the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor to convert nutrient-rich wastewater into fertilizer. Besides the ability of the process to clean wastewater, it also enriches it with nitrogen, making it suitable for agricultural use.

Defining the technology

The mycoremediation of hydrothermal liquefaction aqueous phase (HTL-AP) uses the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor. HTL-AP is a nutrient-rich wastewater byproduct from hydrothermal liquefaction, where wet biomass is converted into bio-crude oil. This process produces a liquid waste stream containing various organic and inorganic compounds, some of which can be toxic.

On the other hand, mycoremediation refers to using fungi to degrade, remove, or transform contaminants from the environment. In this case, T. versicolor enhances the nitrogen content in HTML-AP. The process converts organic nitrogen into inorganic forms (ammonia/ammonium and nitrate) that are more readily available for plant uptake.

How does the system work?

The HTL-AP is diluted and inoculated with T. versicolor cultured under controlled conditions in this system. The fungus secretes enzymes that break down organic pollutants and convert organic nitrogen into inorganic nitrogen (NH3/NH4+ and NO3−).

The mycoremediation process increases the concentration of nitrogen available to plants. Additionally, nitrifying bacteria can be added post-fungal treatment to convert NH4+ into NO3 further−, optimizing the solution for use as a nutrient source in hydroponic systems or as a fertilizer.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • Mycoremediation offers an eco-friendly way to treat this waste, reducing its environmental impact and converting it into a resource.
  • The technology can produce a nutrient-rich solution suitable for hydroponic systems and soil fertilization, supporting plant growth and enhancing crop yields.
  • It helps to close the nutrient loop, making better use of organic waste streams and reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
  • Mycoremediation reduces the toxicity of wastewater, protecting soil and water quality.

6. From CO2 to ethanol: Copper-zinc technology driving a sustainable future

Researchers from the Fritz Haber Institute have developed a new method to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into ethanol. The highlighted method holds great promise for large-scale ethanol production, offering environmental benefits and economic potential.

Defining the technology

The technology uses pulsed electrochemical CO2 reduction (CO2RR) using Ci-Zn nanocubes – copper nanocubes coated with a thin zinc oxide (ZnO) layer –to convert CO2 into ethanol. 

Copper (CU) is one of the few metals that can catalyze the production of hydrocarbons and oxygenates from CO2. However, CU alone struggles with selectivity. Adding Zn improves the catalyst’s efficiency by controlling the redox states of copper and zinc.

The approach increases ethanol yield, minimizes unwanted side reactions, and extends the durability of the catalyst.

How does the system work?

The system operates via pulsed electrolysis, alternating between cathodic (negative) and anodic (positive) pulses during CO2 reduction. Under the specific electrochemical conditions, the ZnO undergoes redox (reduction-oxidation) transformations. 

During the cathodic phase, CO2 molecules are reduced on the copper catalyst’s surface, producing valuable multi-carbon products, including ethanol. The presence of Zn helps optimize the reaction, improving the selectivity towards ethanol and avoiding unintended production of hydrogen gas

During the anodic phase, the catalyst undergoes reoxidation, preventing degradation and maintaining the structural integrity of the Cu-Zn surface.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • Copper-zinc technology emerges as an option for advancing sustainable energy practices. Converting CO2 into ethanol addresses the issue of carbon emissions and lessens the dependence on fossil fuels. 
  • The technology transforms CO2/span> into useful products, which aligns with the global goal of achieving net-zero emissions.
  • The ZnO into Cu-based catalysts improves the selectivity and stability of the CO2/span> reduction process. More CO2/span> is converted into high-value products with fewer energy losses and byproducts.
  • Using copper and zinc makes the technology more scalable and economically attractive. In addition, ethanol offers direct financial incentives because it can be sold as a fuel or chemical feedstock, providing an investment opportunity for industries interested in contributing to the circular economy.

7. Biodegradable composite plastic degraded by bacteria

With the alarming rate of plastic accumulation in landfills and oceans, the Weizmann Institute of Science has created a sustainable alternative that is biodegradable and strong enough for everyday use. 

Defining the technology

The biodegradable composite plastics are based on hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), a plant-based thickener, and tyrosine nanocrystals, naturally occurring protein crystals. This new material is not just another biodegradable plastic. Its unique composition and self-assembling nanostructure set it apart. 

Including tyrosine nanocrystals creates a strong, pliable material. This approach solves a key issue in biodegradable plastic development: most current materials sacrifice strength or flexibility. This technology represents a significant leap forward by achieving both in one material.

How does the system work?

The system uses a self-assembly of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and tyrosine nanocrystals to create a biodegradable material. When tyrosine dissolves in water mixed with HEC, it crystallizes into nanocrystals that grow within the polymer matrix. These nanocrystals form a strong, interwoven network while the HEC chains wrap around them, creating a material with high strength and flexibility. A 0.04-millimeter-thick strip of the material can withstand a load of 6 kilograms.

The uniform dispersion of the nanocrystals enhances the material’s mechanical properties, such as toughness and elongation. The entire process is water-based, reducing environmental impact, and the final product can be made water-resistant with a polycaprolactone (PCL) layer while maintaining biodegradability.

How this technology promotes sustainability

  • The technology promotes sustainability using natural, biodegradable materials: hydroxyethyl cellulose and tyrosine sourced from renewable resources. 
  • The resulting materials are durable yet biodegradable, significantly decreasing plastic waste accumulation in landfills and oceans.
  • It reduces reliance on non-biodegradable plastics and toxic production methods. 

8. Recyclable adhesives of poly(α-lipoic acid) for surgical, industrial, and consumer applications

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have developed advanced polymer adhesives derived from alpha-lipoic acid, offering recyclable and adaptable solutions. The key innovation is that these materials are environmentally sustainable, addressing the non-recyclability and toxicity commonly found in conventional adhesives.

Defining the technology

The technology is a family of sustainable polymer adhesives derived from alpha-lipoic acid (aLA), a naturally occurring antioxidant. These recyclable adhesives can be customized for various medical, pressure-sensitive, and structural applications. The key innovation lies in using electrophilic stabilizers that enhance the stability of the polymer while still allowing for recycling.

How does the system work?

The system starts with alpha-lipoic acid (aLA), which undergoes polymerization. Stabilizers, such as N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) esters, are attached to the polymer ends to prevent premature degradation. These stabilizers create strong, hyperbranched polymer structures through ring-opening polymerization. 

The highly adaptable system allows the polymer’s physical properties (e.g., liquid, solid, or powder form) to be tailored based on the ratio of aLA monomers and stabilizers. The adhesives can degrade under strong alkaline conditions, enabling closed-loop recycling where the materials are broken down and reused.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • The adhesives are designed to be recyclable through a closed-loop process, where they degrade in alkaline solutions, and the monomers can be recovered and reused, reducing waste.
  • The technology can replace multiple types of adhesives, reducing the need for separate, non-recyclable adhesives in various industries.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid, the main adhesive compound, occurs naturally, which would help to reduce reliance on petrochemical-based materials.
  • The adhesives avoid using harmful chemicals commonly found in conventional adhesives, making them safer for human health and the environment.

9. A gel to enhance lithium-ion battery life and improve safety

Researchers from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have developed advanced pyrrolidinium-based dual network gel electrolytes to improve the safety and performance of batteries. This technology addresses flammability and recyclability issues in batteries while improving ion conductivity and mechanical stability for better performance.

Defining the technology

The technology involves the creation of dual network gel electrolytes composed of pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids. These gels integrate covalent and dynamic crosslinking, which balance mechanical strength and high ionic conductivity. The design allows the gels to hold a high content of ionic liquid and lithium salts. This is critical for battery applications.

How does the system work?

The gel electrolytes are created using a combination of thermal and photochemical polymerization. Covalent crosslinkers, which form permanent bonds, provide mechanical stability. Dynamic crosslinkers with reversible bonds enable self-healing properties. 

These crosslinkers improve the gel’s flexibility and conductivity by enabling the transport of ions without sacrificing mechanical integrity. The gel electrolytes are optimized by adjusting the ratios of polymer content, ionic liquids, and lithium salts, ensuring excellent electrochemical performance and thermal stability, which enhances overall battery performance.

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • The technology offers non-flammable, recyclable gel electrolytes that can be reprocessed without performance loss.
  • These gels exhibit long-term stability at high temperatures and are customizable for various battery applications, reducing material waste. 
  • The closed-loop recyclability of the gel electrolytes supports circular economy principles, minimizing environmental impact in energy storage systems.

10. The use of a traditional fermentation agent allows waste-to-food conversion

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a process using the fungus Neurospora intermedia to convert food and agricultural waste into edible products through solid-state fermentation. This method breaks down plant fibers from by-products, creating nutritious and safe foods. The technology promotes sustainability by reducing waste, lowering emissions, and supporting circular food systems.

Defining the technology

The technology uses Neurospora intermedia, a fungus from traditional Indonesian foods, to convert food and agricultural by-products into edible, nutritious products. This process, known as solid-state fermentation (SSF), takes waste materials, such as the by-products from soy milk and peanut oil production, and transforms them into new food sources. 

The research specifically looks at Neurospora Intermedia’s ability to grow on these by-products and produce a fermented product called “oncom,” traditionally consumed in Java, Indonesia.

How does the system work?

The process begins by inoculating the waste materials with spores of Neurospora intermedia. The fungus breaks down complex plant fibers such as pectin and cellulose into simpler sugars, which it uses as food to grow. 

Over a fermentation period of 36-48 hours, Neurospora transforms the waste into a new food source. The decentralized system can be used locally with minimal equipment, making it accessible even for small-scale producers. 

By growing on various by-products, Neurospora produces proteins and beneficial compounds such as antioxidants, enhancing the nutritional value of the fermented product. This fermentation method can be applied to various by-products, from vegetable peels to plant-based milk waste. 

How does this technology promote sustainability?

  • Instead of letting agricultural and food processing waste go to landfills, it converts it into nutritious food, reducing environmental harm and food waste.
  • Upcycling waste minimizes the need for resource-intensive animal agriculture and decreases emissions associated with food waste disposal.
  • The ability to recycle plant-based by-products into edible food aligns with circular economy principles, where waste is minimized, and resources are reused efficiently.
  • The fermentation process requires minimal infrastructure, making it accessible in regions with limited technological resources. The adoption of this technology can improve food security in vulnerable populations.
  • The fermented products are safe, free from harmful toxins, and offer enhanced nutritional profiles. These include essential amino acids, antioxidants, and improved flavors, making them appealing to a wider range of consumers beyond traditional markets.

The bottom line:

The key technologies presented here reflect the crucial role of innovation in promoting sustainability across various industries. Each solution tackles a specific environmental issue while supporting the shift toward a circular economy. 

All these green innovations have been developed and refined to benefit the environment and create investment opportunities. As companies face pressure to adopt sustainable practices, these solutions offer cost-effective ways to reduce waste, lower emissions, and create new revenue streams.

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