
December 2019

PreScouter 2019 round up: The 10 most read stories of the year


December 2019

PreScouter 2019 round up: The 10 most read stories of the year

10. Profitable sustainability: 10 companies making food waste edible again

Value-added processing involves processes that turn food waste into a product that can be used again. A number of startups have emerged that do just that. Some consumers may think of this concept as “eating trash,” and in essence, it really is. But with an estimated 68% of what’s being trashed in homes still being edible, according to a National Resources Defense Counsel survey, the potential for repurposing “edible trash” is fairly easy to digest. Here, PreScouter presented 10 companies making food waste edible again.

9. Open innovation: Definition and future trends

In today’s digitized world, information is spread vastly across the web. Due to the quantity of information and how far it has spread, it is impossible to know what to look for, let alone find it. Open innovation aims to change that. Read on for more.

8. The present and future of ingestible sensors – The new taste of science

The ingestible sensor market size has been estimated at roughly $491 million in 2016, and this could increase at a compound annual growth rate of as much as 19% through 2024. It is a disruptive technology in the field of disease diagnostics, monitoring, and management. Hence, the field of “intelligent pills” was well worth exploring.

7. Artificial intelligence and the new age beauty and cosmetics industry

Here, PreScouter lists a few of the latest developments from the beauty industry toward facial recognition and enhanced data-learning or data-searching algorithms in pursuit of radiant skin, sculpted jawlines, and silky hair.

6. 10 Alzheimer’s breakthroughs you should know about

A wealth of research has gone into studying Alzheimer’s. Novel achievements and interesting breakthroughs happen all the time, giving hope to future patients to fight the disease. Here, PreScouter highlights 10 breakthroughs bringing us closer to treating Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Innovations in skin microbiome products: Saying yes to good bacteria!

How is the skin microbiome being targeted by the skincare industry? Here, we presented some innovative companies targeting the skin microbiome and that are looking to revolutionize the cosmetics industry.

4. Emerging technologies and challenges in hydropower

Throughout the world, 16% of electricity production is generated by hydropower plants. Compared to wind and solar energy sources, hydropower is by now technologically mature. However, novel approaches  in the design, operation, and planning of hydropower plants still exist, aiming at increasing hydropower flexibility, efficiency, lifetime, and cost effectiveness. In this article, the major challenges and innovations are discussed.

3. Smart biopsies: The next generation of cancer diagnostics

New noninvasive tools that allow real-time cancer tissue characterization, so-called smart biopsies, have been developed and are already being used in some hospitals to accelerate cancer diagnosis. Taking these projects from the lab bench to a clinical context will make diagnosing cancer faster and cheaper, resulting in patients getting access to the right treatment earlier and representing a clear opportunity for the players that will bring them there. Here, PreScouter detailed some advancements in this field.

2. 2018 was a record year for renewable energy. 2019 could be the same.

Environmental awareness is increasing, and according to a study carried out in late 2018, 73% of the United States thinks climate change is happening, while 62% of the country believes it is human caused. Electricity production across the world is undergoing change, and more investment is being made in innovation, manufacturing, and applications for clean-energy solutions. What were the three trends to impact the growth of renewable energy in the United States in 2019.

1. Pharmaceutical R&D global spending trends in 2019

The pharmaceutical industry’s activities have significant socio-economic impacts on society in the form of investments in R&D and manufacturing. Of note, R&D is the “backbone” for success in any drug discovery program. Thus, the extent of pharmaceutical R&D spending serves as an important metric to show a company’s commitment to finding new drugs. At present, the global pharmaceutical industry has the second highest R&D intensity (expenditure as a share of sales) measures of any sector. How does the R&D spending trend looking?

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