
January 2015

All-in-One New Birth Control Pill & Viagra For Men


January 2015

All-in-One New Birth Control Pill & Viagra For Men

AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. Birth control in any country has been a very controversial issue. In most cases, it is up to the individuals on how to plan their families. But how many couples often disagree on how many children they should have? With the help of this new invention, birth control pills can soon be taken also by men.

Justicia Gendarussa shrub was made into tea by a tribe of Papua so as to not impregnate their spouses. It is considered an herbal medicine which was said to be safe and effective by the men who have used it on the island.

The research was headed by Dr. Bambang Prajogo and Dr. Dyan Pramesti together with their team from the government’s National Family Planning Coordination Board and Airlangga University. The study of this contraceptive started a few years ago. The plant, which is the active ingredient, was segregated and chemically incorporated and was made into capsule form. It works by eliminating an enzyme in the sperm head. By doing this, the sperm becomes sluggish and powerless which prevents it from entering the ovum. It was then tested to 120 couples for 108 days and no pregnancies occurred. They tried to test it for another 350 couples wherein 186 took the capsule and 164 took the test substance for 1 month. It was reported to be a success. Some even experienced increase in their sexual drive sort of like when someone takes Viagra.

According to the research team, the pill may soon be released in Indonesia as early as 2016. They are still working for it to be released outside the country. As of now, there are no Western organizations that have teamed up with this research.

Invention All-in-One New Birth Control Pill & Viagra For Men
Organization Airlangga University
Researcher Dr. Bambang Prajogo & Team
Field(s) birth control, contraceptives, family planning, stimulant
Further Information

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