
July 2013

New Brain Stimulation Method Could Enhance Mental Arithmetic Ability


July 2013

New Brain Stimulation Method Could Enhance Mental Arithmetic Ability

UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, OXFORD, UK. A recent study has just proven that the brain is truly capable of acting like a light switch for a particular function. This time, researchers worked on a study about a form of harmless brain stimulation particularly for a person’s math ability. The process took five days of cognitive training which involved painless, non-invasive brain stimulation.

During the 5-day duration, the researchers claimed that they were able to bring long-lasting improvements in cognitive and brain functions. After the training, the improvements lasted for a period of six months which is considered to be an incredible result.

This new method of stimulation is called transcranial random noise stimulation (TRNS) and currently, no one really knows exactly how it works. However, the process gives out results that suggest that it lets the human brain work more efficiently and effectively by making neurons move in a more synchronized manner.

Cohen Kadosh led the research team for the TRNS study. Prior to the TRNS process, they have also worked on a different brain stimulation process which could make people better at learning and processing numbers. However, the TRNS process is less noticeable to those who are receiving it. It also has even more potential to help more people because it improves mental arithmetic which is more complex and challenging.

Currently, 20% of people struggle with even simple mental arithmetic. With better integration of neuroscience and education, Cohen Kadosh claims that this study could really help more people unleash their math ability.

Invention Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation
Organization University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Researcher Roi Cohen Kadosh & team
Field(s) Brain, Cell, Education, Neuroscience, Stroke, Mental Math, Kids Learning Math, Learn Math, Brain Stimulation, TRNS, Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation
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