
February 2013

Cooler And More Energy-Efficient LED Debuts In MIT


February 2013

Cooler And More Energy-Efficient LED Debuts In MIT

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS, USA. Typically, we are worried about the energy consumption of the new lighting systems that are being introduced to consumers every now and then. This time, a group of researchers recently unveiled a new type of LED lighting system that actually gives out more light. The good news is that it actually consumes lesser electrical energy than the rest that are currently being sold in the consumer market.

Currently, we are used to the traditional halogen lamps and the LEDs that have just been introduced a few years ago which actually is a better alternative to halogen lamps. The thing with these lighting systems is that they produce heat while they give out light which means it adds heat to the environment around it as well. The new type of LED has more than 300% conventional efficiency which means it won’t produce heat like the others of its kind.

Parthiban Santhanam of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the project’s lead researcher. The success of the research is very much considered as a technological breakthrough that will definitely go down in history. It will change the way we use light and how it actually works because of its energy-efficient features that may be used for more relevant applications in the near future.

Invention LED Lighting
Organization Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA
Researcher Parthiban Santhanam & Team
Field(s) LED Lighting, Green Technology, Renewable Energy, Green Energy
Further Information Lighting

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