
September 2012

Bendable Batteries: Allowing Anyone To Wear Gadgets’ Power Supply


September 2012

Bendable Batteries: Allowing Anyone To Wear Gadgets’ Power Supply

PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA. Bendable batteries are flexible lithium-ion batteries that can actually fit inside the cable of various gadgets. This innovation may possibly be a good foundation for wearable energy.

One of the key targets of product design is creating functional aesthetic devices. The limiting factor of most portable electronics is the shape of the battery. Despite the efforts of making smaller, lighter and thinner batteries, it do not provide a solution to the product flexibility concerns.

The need for a new concept for battery architecture motivated a team at Pusan National University in South Korea. They were able to develop a cable-type lithium-ion battery. This battery can achieve extreme levels of flexibility. This mechanical flexibility has never been achieved before in flexible electronics. The battery can be placed anywhere and in any shape that you desire. This was made possible by its omni-directional flexibility and its linear shape.

The prototype was able to provide continuous power to an iPod shuffle and a red LED screen even if the battery was tied in a knot. The battery was able to provide power for up to 10 hours for a small MP3 player and 5 minutes for an emergency call from a mobile phone.

This innovation has made it possible for batteries to be worn on the neck, wrist or any human body part. There is absolutely no need for the mounting of the battery inside the device. It surely provides more freedom in the design of the device and a more attainable path for the actualization of wearable electronics.

Invention Cable-Type Flexible Lithium Ion Battery
Organization Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea
Researcher Je Young Kim & Team
Field(s) Batteries, Electrodes, Flexible Electronics, Helical Electrodes, Lithium-ion Batteries, Advanced Materials, Wearable Electronics
Further Information New Scientist

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