
July 2012

Cryptographic Neuroscience: A Game Of Hidden Passwords In Your Mind


July 2012

Cryptographic Neuroscience: A Game Of Hidden Passwords In Your Mind

STANDFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA, USA. A game has been developed recently to store intricate information such as passwords subconsciously. In this new technology, cryptography is combined with neuroscience. Some volunteers were able to use a learned password later on to pass a test but were not able to identify it when they were asked to do so. That means they cannot disclose the password, whether they are willing to or forced because they wouldn’t remember it until they need to use it.

The game was developed to help any security system become even more reliable. In the same sense, we can consider our minds as our very own security system. We store precious information in it and we can have access to it whenever we need it. However, there are also times when our own security system cannot be trusted. Hackers can definitely find their way through our passwords and other important information by force. This time, the technology behind this game will make it harder for intruders to get hold of our passwords. At the same time, we also won’t have access to it even if we wanted to. It will only be available when the right situation triggers it.

Hristo Bojinov and his colleagues designed this game in which players catch falling objects by pressing a key. The objects come from any of six positions. Each position has a corresponding key. What the players did not know is that the positions of the objects were not always random. There is a sequence of 30 successive positions which played over 100 times in between the 30 to 45-minute game play. In the next rounds, the players made lesser errors when they encountered this sequence again. After two weeks, the players were tested to play the game once again and they were able to retain what they have learned.

In this time of modern technology, even the most advanced technology is no match for a cracked password. Cracked passwords often lead to hacking and invasion of privacy. Of course, nobody would want that to happen to them. As compared to biometric methods, this new technology has more potential advantages. This time, authentication would not require explicit effort on the user’s end. That means it will be become more effortless and there will be minimal risk of loss. If only the training time and authentication process can be reduced, this technology will be able to replace any compromised biometric in no time.

Invention Cryptographic Neuroscience
Organization Stanford University, California, USA
Researcher Hristo Bojinov & Colleagues
Field(s) Security System, Password Security, Neuroscience, Biometrics, Cryptography
Further Information New Scientist

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