
May 2012

Your Smart Phone just became smarter


May 2012

Your Smart Phone just became smarter

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS, TEXAS, USA. X-ray vision thrived in comic and sci-fi books till now. What used to be science fiction is already becoming part of the acceptable norms in our society. The technological advancements made it possible to incorporate this capability in regular smart phones. And just when you thought that smart phones could do practically anything, an X-ray smart phone is in the news for simplifying the X-ray technology for commercial and mobile devices.

This can result in faster and more convenient medical scans, security checks and counterfeiting checks. Semi-conductor chips were developed to run imaging programs which can be easily mass-produced. The research team’s goal was to simplify the X-ray capability and incorporate it in smart phones. This would simply mean streamlining certain hospital procedures and helping hospitals in diagnosing patients in the most efficient manner.

The invention utilizes the terahertz band of the magnetic spectrum. This is the frequency that is not available on smart phones. It is so powerful that it can check the toxicity in the air making it an effective air quality detector in offices and homes. It can easily detect tumors in the body.

Doctors and other medical practitioners can easily adapt to technological advancements particularly in mobile devices. In fact, a number of hospitals are using tablets, iPads and smart phones to expedite appointments and check-ins of patients. The medical community can easily understand, learn and even embrace these technological advancements.

Another field that is interested in this kind of invention is the military. They can easily incorporate the use of smart phones in the battlefield. They can certainly use these smart phones for GPS, night vision and for imaging resources. As the invention is being improved, more benefits can be derived from its use.

The device can provide numerous benefits. However, there are certain groups in our society that are against it. The invention is so powerful that it can easily spot fractures on the hairline. The downfall of this invention is the violation of one’s privacy. It can easily look inside our homes, belongings and what is underneath our clothing. Hence, there are moral issues that need to be discussed.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Invention X-ray Smart Phone
Organization The University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA
Researcher Undisclosed
Field(s) Medical, Military, Security Check and Counterfeiting
Further Information Mobiledia

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