Companies can ensure business continuity by keeping easy-to-use COVID-19 test kits on-site. For less than $5000, these kits can be deployed immediately – just like first aid kits – to mitigate adverse outcomes.
A vaccine likely will not arrive soon enough, or be adopted quickly enough, to allow the pandemic to end even within the next year. Employers are facing – and will continue to face – challenging scenarios. These range from having critical operators not be available for work due to needing to quarantine, to having a sudden outbreak of positive cases at a facility.
To face these challenging scenarios successfully, companies can adopt testing strategies that mitigate the adverse outcomes of these scenarios. These testing strategies are built on RT-PCR testing kits and packs that are affordable, portable and easily deployed across multiple facilities.
Included in this Intelligence Brief:
- The significance of COVID-19 workplace testing
- What testing tools can prepare workplaces to handle the various scenarios they will face as a result of the pandemic
- The difference between different testing strategies and what PreScouter recommends
- New diagnostic tools likely to emerge within the next year